Take Control of Your Families Right to Food!
Patriot food club operates under the mission of providing food storage to all those in need. So many times the economics of establishing a
long term food storage get in the way of the importance of having emergency food ready and available in the worst of times.
For this reason Patriot Food Club was established and has turned the food storage purchasing culture to a place where those who need food
storage can set a monthly budget. There are no long term contracts, no high interest financing programs, and a flexible monthly budget that
you, the customer sets and changes dependent on what you can afford.
Long term food storage costs in the thousands of dollars and has become a purchase not many can make even though many need the food.
We have changed all that. All your favorite brands at costs you can afford. Set up a personal appointment today and learn first hand
what we are all about. You will find out quickly we are all about you, and making sure, no matter your budget, that you have a long
term sustainable food storage in your home.